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​When Dry Eye Strikes

Jun 13th 2018

Dry eye is an irritating problem. In fact, it can be a painful one, too. For many, it’s a symptom of another problem that comes and goes, like allergies. For others, it’s a chronic problem that needs regular treatment, and may affect eyesight and the ability to correct it. If you find yourself with what you believe are dry eye symptoms, here are some steps to help you address it.


If your symptoms are mild and you don’t experience them often, there are plenty of safe, over-the-counter options for you. If you expect dry eye during allergy season, take your allergy medication and add some eye drops. Remember to stay safe and follow directions when taking any medication.

See the Optometrist

If your dry eye symptoms have become painful and too much to bear at times, you need to see a doctor. You may have a chronic condition, or something more serious. Over time, if it’s not treated properly, dry eye can cause severe irritation of the eye and cornea. Your doctor will probably perform a test to find out if your ducts are producing tears. If they’re not, or not producing enough, there are a few possible causes, like blocked tear ducts. If your doctor sees scratches on your eye or cornea, you will need medication to help you heal, possibly a steroid drop. You may need to stop wearing contacts, then, and switch to glasses.

Get Glasses

Dry eye can affect your vision and your ability to be comfortable in your contacts. It is one of the many reasons to invest in a good pair of glasses. You can find what you need at We have eyeglasses suited to everyone, whether they’re your primary source of vision correction, or a backup. Get rid of dry eye by trying these tips, including a pair of glasses.