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​The Importance of Resting Your Eyes

Mar 10th 2018

Your eye work hard for you every day. From the moment you wake, your eyes begin their job of getting you through the day. We are so used to having our sight that we often take it for granted. We don’t take enough care of our eyes on a regular basis. Having glasses or contacts for sight correction isn’t enough. Even seeing your optometrist as often a you should, though necessary, isn’t quite enough. Resting your eyes and treating them well on a daily basis is essential for good optical health.

Eyes Off the Devices

We are in a booming age of electronic devices. We see them everywhere. We watch televisions, work on computers, read billboard screens, and these screens are even in cars. We cannot escape them, unless we make an effort. Studies that show a link between eye problems and headaches are increasing in number, and they will probably only continue to do so as long as we continue to depend upon our devices.

Take your eyes off your device more often. If you have made a habit of looking at your phone just before bed, make an effort to stop. If you are in the habit of looking at your devices for a distraction while you wait in line for something, stop that, too. There are plenty of little ways you can reduce the amount you look at your phone and other electronics.

Rest and Moisturize

You know that you need a good night’s sleep for your health. However, with all the strain on your eyes all day, they may need more rest than that. It is also known that warm moisture is good for them, too. If you can spare just ten minutes of your day, give them a good soak in warm water. Just close your eyes and place a warm, wet cloth on them. There are also masks made specifically for this, too.

Treat your eyes well; you only get the two of them in your life. Resting your eyes, moisturizing them, seeing your optometrist regularly, and using good vision correction are all essential parts of good eye health. When you need help with vision correction, get your glasses from Speert.