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​Moisturize, Rest, and Rejuvenate Your Eyes

Aug 7th 2018

You probably know that your eyes need drops when they feel dry, or that many minor eye ailments can be helped with warm compresses. Did you know, however, that these are good practices for all eyes? Even if your eyes feel fine and your doctor says they’re healthy overall, rejuvenate your eyes from time to time with plenty of moisture, warmth, and rest.

Warm Compresses

Putting warm moisture on your closed eyes can help with a number of things. Your tear ducts, for example, can become clogged, which is one of the causes of chronic dry eye. This can help open them up again.

If your eye ever get puffy because you’re tired, try a warm, wet compress. In fact, make a habit of this; do it once or twice per week for about ten minutes. Make sure the compress and water are clean. You could be surprised at the results.


You don’t have to have dry eye to benefit from eye drops. There are many times when you don’t even realize that your eyes could use a little extra help staying moist. For this, try an over-the-counter, mild moisturizer--something made to be like natural tears. Even one drop in each eye per day could be great for your eyes.


Your eyes do a lot of work all day long, particularly if you stare at computers and other devices for long periods, or do any sort of eye-straining work. Make efforts to close your eyes and rest them once in a while. When you take a break at work, close your eyes as you sip your coffee. When you get home from work, take just ten minutes and close your eyes. You don’t have to sleep to give your eyes a break.

Moisturize, rest, and rejuvenate your eyes. And, get the best glasses for your eyesight at Speert.